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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA


Anamaria offers transformative learning experiences for changemakers, creatives, and seekers, who are hungry to face audacious questions that ignite passion and purpose, and eager to reinvent our stories and practices, in order to enhance our ability to restore our wholeness at individual, collective, and system levels.

In her work, Anamaria assembles and integrates the scattered bones of our fragmented selves, organizations, and communities. A coherent skeleton emerges, which comes to life as we join our heads, hearts and intentions. A new vibrant entity is born and runs free: an inspired, purposeful, and focused individual, organization, or community. She takes you on a wild journey into the heart of your being and commitment to the world.

Her experiential designs burst with aliveness and soulfulness through bold inquiries, open heart conversations, prototyping new ways of being and doing, and through creative expression. Using life itself as her teacher, she brings the intelligence of living processes in order to allow the deepest potential and highest aspirations to run freely and wildly to transform the world.

Anamaria bases her work on the principles of Integral Coaching®and on a number of Social Technologies such as Circles. She firmly believes in Creative expression as an avenue for transformation. Her work is nourished by her experiences in the territories or worlds of Sustainability & Social Innovation, Human and Organizational Development and Creativity.

Integral Coaching
Social Tecnologies
Creative expression
My territories


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