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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA


I believe in the pursuit of creative expression as a fundamental avenue to develop as individuals and communities. I have experimented and continue to experiment with art forms and spaces that bring out the best of our creative capacities.


ImprovCreative is a co-creative and multi-artistic space, that explores social topics through art. With a very simple methodology that fosters collective play, we create a state of experimentation and creativity that aims to produce a tangible artistic outcome that can be shared. We have done experiments with painting, collage, theater, dance, and architecture blueprints.


I discovered Music Nights in Boston at the Teal House, an urban cohousing project, where a group of people came together to sing and dance. With Juan Francisco Castro, we created a similar space in Bogotá that we defined as follows.

Objective: Share a space of inner development where we can express the abilities we have or desire to express even if we don’t have formal musical training. We aim to express ourselves without fear, sharing everything that we yearn to share on stage. All forms of heart-felt expression are welcome, in an environment of self observation, healing, for self and others. We aim to create a space where we can observe the expressions that emerge without judgment, in a climate of love and acceptance and in the understanding of the other, who is myself.


It was my friend and poet Luisa Sucre who introduced me to “PoEncuentros” (translated as PoGatherings). These poetic gatherings are a special time to read poetry written by ourselves and by others and to write a collective poem, in the likes of the “Exquisite Corpse” an exercise from the surrealist period.


Anbridge, my band and music project is an offering of World Music for Transformation and Wholeness. Tackling the deep quests of our humanity: of purpose, meaning, connection and belonging, our songs take us to a journey of sensations, emotions, and reflection. We open up to melodies and rhythms from around the world, aiming to bridge the universal soul and our everyday struggles, making every one of our gatherings a sacred ritual.

Allow me to introduce you to my first album and performance – Esta Tierra


Cadáver Exquisito, Noviembre, 2012

Noche de muertos, noche de Vida
hecha de versos
en exequias que nutren
donde en la noche se unen
las preguntas mortuorias
con las respuestas vitales
que sentido dan
al profundo aliento
en el sinsentido diario
de la condición humana
versos descalzos
que nos hacen soltar
y dejar atrás
mientras observamos de lejos
nuestro agudo dolor
y volcamos impulsos
a través de los sentidos
para volver al sudor
con sabor a polvo.
por que polvo somos
y en él nos encontraremos
naturaleza pervertida
devenir desgarrado
en la muerte renacemos
en el mar nos perdemos
en el agua despertamos
pero dime al fin quiénes somos:
Luz y Sombra infinitas
(que por amor y valentía) transmuta
obstrucciones que nublan el alma


“Íntimo” Libro de Poemas  2013. Por Anamaría Aristizabal
suculenta white



By clicking here, you can know more about my self-published book “Intimate” or my Music Album “Absence & Light”


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